2022 Tragic Girls X Vinca Collaboration

Pack a lunch, it’s time for another trip back to the future. Yep, this time we’re chronicling a collaboration we did with Katie from Tragic Girls in the spring of 2021. Tragic Girls’ art has a retro comic book feel that hits all the right feels. If you want blood, trash flambé and tears, she’s got it! Katie’s work also cleverly skewers current events and the human experience.

Tragic Girls' Chainsaw Tits Print
Tragic Girls' Trash Dive Print
woman wearing acrylic trash can on fire earrings

How to Make a Monster
We collaborated with Katie aka Tragic Girl on a three-piece earring collection. Amanda met Katie via IG Messenger multiple times to get this effort off the ground and into your paws. Katie’s Tragic Girl designs translated well into hook-style, dangly earrings. Two styles are inlay, which is kind of like assembling tiny puzzles in the shape of a trash can on fire and a glitter blood covered chainsaw. The ray gun design is a single piece with the details situated on top of the base.

Color Me Sad, Gurl
If you’ve ever wanted to know how color selection goes it’s usually a pretty lengthy process. Sometimes the color a client wants doesn’t exist. Pantone isn’t really a thing in the world of acrylics, but we try our best to choose the closest slime green or egg yolk. For Tragic Girls, we pulled color inspiration straight from her work. Katie’s fiery trash can design was cut from solid pink and yellow with a sleek mirror silver trash can. The chainsaw was cut from solid pink with etched skull detail on the chainsaw body with a two layer brushed silver blade. The glitter blood drips remind me of the SFX blood (mixed with GLITTER) from that ‘ol ‘80s vampire classic, The Lost Boys. Pastel pearlescent green, pearlescent pink and not-quite-mustard yellow flesh out Katie’s utterly adorable ray gun.

tragic girls prototypes

All three pieces were manufactured, assembled and packaged in our studio/storefront in Austin, TX by Amanda and KM. It was a super fun “job” that we were able to labor and push out in about two weeks. Unfortunately, this trio of dangly earrings is no longer available on tragicgirlsco.com. BUT visit tragicgirlsco.com, buy some of Katie’s merch and support small businesses like Tragic Girls and Vinca. Please and thank you kindly!

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KM Manrique
Head writer