Vinca + Gumball Poodle Collab

Hey! There's no time like a pandemic to get caught up with blog posts that failed to write themselves. Better late than never, am I right? Read on to get the knitty-gritty about our collaboration with the undeniably talented Erica Easley of Gumball Poodle and by extension, President Barack Obama (WOT?!). Without further adieu, here's quick rundown of Vinca's + Gumball Poodle's most descriptive accessories to date.

Daddy Necklace

"I Miss Obama." No really, we MISS Obama, but it's also one of the rad ultra-chonky, always funky Vinca + Gumball Poodle necklaces. Back in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Race, Gumball Poodle's mother Erica Easley yearned for a pair of her own patriotic, knee-high socks emblazoned with then U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama. What do you do when you've got a zany idea, bubbling creativity and talent out the wazoo? Well, if you're Erica you start your own sock company with the intent to grow Gumball Poodle in to the boisterous kaleidoscope that the sock brand is today.

I Miss Obama Necklace


Think back to simpler times. It was 2019, handshakes and face-to-face meetings were still a thing. Vinca had met the bawdy and bold sock gurus, Gumball Poodle on the trade show circuit years prior and figured when's a better time than right-the-frick now to join forces and create something outrageously magical?! In October-ish of 2019, team Vinca and sock enthusiasts, Gumball Poodle, put their heads together to develop a fistful of chunky, word-plate necklaces based on Gumball Poodle's best selling socks. 

100% That Bitch Necklace

So what makes these necklaces so great? Why, thanks for asking! There are NINE word-plate necklaces in the Vinca + Gumball Poodle collaboration. NINE! That means there's a little something for EVERYONE. Plant Person? Uh Huh. Cat Person? You betcha! You missin' Obama? Honey, YAAAASSSS! Are you 100% THAT BITCH?! WE. GOT. YOU. TOO.
VINCA + Gumball Poodle Necklaces
Don't even get us started on the hardware! Super shiny, silver-colored mirror acrylic cutouts of the words and phrases: Plant Person, Cat Person, Dog Person, I Miss Obama, 100% That Bitch, Daddy, Fuck, I'd Fuck Me. Each of these necklaces sit upon a sleek black acrylic base with the Gumball Poodle logo etched on the back for cool points. To finish, we add a 16" gunmetal brass chain into the mix with a circular spring clasp. 

The Future is Female Necklace do you get your mitts of these babies?! Visit to purchase these word-plate necklaces. Each necklace retails for $30 and are sealed in a delightfully colorful Gumball Poodle branded packaging. What are you waiting for? You know the deets; now go get some, sweets!

All Photos used in this blog post are courtesy of Gumball Poodle. 

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